Our Vision
- Excellence in education, empowerment through knowledge, inclusive growth for socio-economic change and sustainable development’’. Spreading knowledge in rural area.
Our Mission
- To impart quality education to the poor, downtrodden masses and to the last man of the society.
- To provide facilities for the acquisition of knowledge and information and advancement of culture.
- To promote quality teaching and learning through suitable academic environment.
- To undertake quality research in basic, applied and interdisciplinary sciences.
- To empower students through education to make them strong, self-reliant, responsible and secular human beings, professionals and citizens.
- To help the needy and economically weaker students in education.
- To help the needy and economically weaker students in education.
- To provide opportunities for higher education especially to girls from Muslim Community within their locality.
- To develop moral and intellectual outlook among students and inculcate principles of unity and national integration.